Long Time No Post

Just getting some thoughts out.

It feels like nothings been going my way for quite a while now. Well, that being said, I did manage to win 3 of my 4 pool league games last week.. Still, it's been months since I've had my last interview. Hard to keep up the motivation to do more Leetcode or anything. I've been working for 10 years now at getting as good as I can at this coding thing. I've watched countless talks and presentations, thought long and hard about the concepts and ideas, and I've always shot to improve with every little program or function I write. I even received the nicest bit of praise in my last role: I was tasked with the more "important" part of a feature because my boss said "your code just seems to come out clearer and with less bugs." It was a great feeling, especially since I haven't had many people to compare myself to throughout my career. It was nice to know that all I was doing was making a difference in my abilities.. It just doesn't seem that those skills are actually valuable.

It's been looking a lot to me as though money is the only thing that matters. "Fuck you, got mine," as they say. That means the AI will win out. It doesn't write good code, but it can write something that works enough. At least, it will be able to eventually. And that really sucks. I really liked how expressive and creative it was to write code. The choices, the trade-offs, the attempt to express an idea as clearly and cleanly as possible, learning more about the idea and bettering your skills in the process. But that's not what makes money -- gosh do I hate money.

Am I the weird one? Wasn't all this technology and our work meant to make our lives better and easier? Wasn't this all meant to SERVE us?? I remember reading How to Win Friends and Influence People and it talks about how a small business owner went down to another small business grocery, and was able to get him as a client. Not because he had the cheapest prices, but because he was a person, making himself personally available to the guy, able to come down, shake his hand, ask him ho he's doing and actually care. What kind of strange foreign world did that interaction take place? Are they fucking aliens?? Today it would be "sorry, but I will make more money if I go with the cheaper giant corporation and that's more important than a human relationship." Maybe the AI deserves to take over if we're all shitty robots anyways.

I guess that's enough ranting for now. At least I feel a bit better.